Kidney Failure Misdiagnosis

If your healthcare provider failed to diagnose your kidney failure or misdiagnosed another condition as kidney damage, you may be entitled to compensation from a medical malpractice claim. The skilled medical malpractice attorneys at Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C. can help. Contact us today to learn more about your legal options in a free case review.

How Working with an Experienced Medical Malpractice Lawyer Can Help

If you are dealing with preventable medical issues due to a kidney failure misdiagnosis, having an experienced medical malpractice lawyer by your side can make a significant difference in your case. Kidney failure misdiagnosis can lead to severe health consequences, prolonged suffering, and unnecessary medical expenses. 

A knowledgeable lawyer can help you through this challenging situation, protect your rights, and demand the compensation you deserve by:

  • Gathering and analyzing all relevant medical records
  • Working with independent medical experts to review your case
  • Investigating the circumstances surrounding your misdiagnosis
  • Identifying the responsible parties involved in your case
  • Calculating the full value of your legal claim
  • Filing legal documents on your behalf
  • Negotiating with insurance companies for fair compensation
  • Communicating with opposing counsel to reach a settlement
  • Preparing a strong case for trial, if necessary
  • Representing you in court proceedings

The Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C. legal team offers more than 40 years of experience with medical malpractice cases. We have recovered over $2.5 billion for our clients and secured over 350 verdicts and settlements of $1 million or more. Our diverse team of top litigators has the skills and experience to fight aggressively for your rights. We offer a free consultation to discuss your case. Choose us for our experience, success, and dedication to achieving results, including:

  • $32.7 million jury verdict in a medical malpractice case
  • $29.1 million bench trial verdict for a newborn who suffered a serious infection and brain damage due to negligent obstetrical and neonatal care
  • $20.6 million settlement for a man left paralyzed after a delayed diagnosis and treatment of a ruptured aneurysm

What Is Kidney Failure?

Kidney failure, also known as renal failure, is when your kidneys can no longer filter waste and excess fluids from your blood. This condition leads to a buildup of harmful substances in the body, which can cause severe health problems. Kidney failure can be acute or chronic. An acute kidney injury develops suddenly and lasts a short time. Chronic kidney failure develops over time and is long-lasting. Long-term conditions like diabetes or high blood pressure can also cause kidney failure.

Failing to diagnose kidney failure promptly can lead to serious complications. Without treatment, the buildup of toxins in the blood can result in dangerous conditions like uremia (urine in the blood), which affects multiple organs and can be life-threatening. Untreated kidney failure can also cause fluid buildup in the lungs, leading to breathing difficulties. In severe cases, patients can suffer from end-stage kidney disease, which involves a complete loss of kidney function requiring dialysis or transplants.

Incorrectly diagnosing other conditions as kidney failure can also have serious consequences. If a doctor mistakenly treats a patient for kidney failure, they might receive unnecessary and inappropriate treatments. Meanwhile, the actual underlying condition, whether a heart condition, liver disease, or another ailment, goes untreated and worsens over time. Immediate diagnosis and treatment are essential to avoid complications and ensure the best possible health outcomes.

How Can Kidney Failure Be Misdiagnosed?

Research by Columbia University Irving Medical Center suggests that kidney failure misdiagnosis is unfortunately common. Doctors can misdiagnose this condition for several reasons. Symptoms of kidney failure, such as fatigue, swelling, and difficulty breathing, often resemble those of other conditions. For instance, heart failure and liver disease can cause similar symptoms, leading doctors to misinterpret the signs.

Doctors might also fail to identify factors indicating kidney failure because of inadequate testing. If a doctor does not perform essential blood and urine tests, they might miss crucial indicators of unhealthy kidney function. Sometimes, even when doctors conduct the appropriate tests, they can make mistakes in interpreting the results.

Sometimes, doctors fail to identify or properly manage underlying conditions that contribute to kidney failure, like diabetes or high blood pressure. If healthcare providers overlook these conditions, they might struggle to promptly recognize the resulting kidney failure.

Some doctors also misdiagnose kidney failure when they focus on treating symptoms without investigating root causes. For example, treating temporary conditions like swelling with diuretics without considering kidney function can mask, rather than treat, the underlying issue, delaying accurate diagnosis.

How to Prove a Kidney Failure Misdiagnosis Was Medical Malpractice

Proving that a kidney failure misdiagnosis was medical malpractice requires a thorough investigation and analysis of the patient’s medical history. Your lawyer may start by gathering medical records, including test results, doctor’s notes, and treatment plans. These records provide essential evidence about your condition and how your healthcare providers handled your case.

Next, your misdiagnosis lawyer may consult independent medical experts not involved in your treatment. These experts review your records and offer their professional opinions on whether your providers met the standard of care when diagnosing or treating your condition.

Armed with this expert analysis, your lawyer investigates the circumstances surrounding your misdiagnosis. They evaluate whether your doctor ordered the necessary tests and correctly interpreted the results. If your doctor failed to do so, it could be evidence of medical malpractice.

Identifying the responsible parties is another crucial step. Your lawyer can determine who was involved in your care and who might have contributed to the misdiagnosis. This could include doctors, nurses, lab techs, or the hospital.

Once your lawyer has gathered all the evidence, they can prepare a strong case on your behalf. They may file legal documents, negotiate with insurance companies, and represent you in court, if necessary. They aim to show that your healthcare provider’s actions directly led to the harm you suffered, indicating medical malpractice. Your Chicago personal injury lawyer employs these strategies in their effort to secure the compensation you deserve.

Contact Our Chicago Medical Malpractice Attorneys to Discuss Your Kidney Failure Misdiagnosis Case

If you or someone you love has suffered from a kidney failure misdiagnosis, contact Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C. today. Our experienced team is here to listen to your story and discuss your legal options. We offer free initial consultations and operate on a contingency basis, so you can get the guidance you need without any financial obligation. Call us now to take the first step toward seeking a fair recovery