Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard donates garden dome to allow nursing home residents to visit with loved ones amid COVID-19 pandemic

Garden Dome

WYOCENA, Wisc. (May 29, 2020) – The Illinois law firm Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard, P.C. has donated a garden dome to the Columbia Health Care Center nursing home in Wyocena, Wisconsin that will allow nursing home residents the opportunity to safely visit with their family and loved ones during the coronavirus pandemic.

The garden dome donated by Salvi Law is one of three domes the facility began using last week. Columbia residents and their loved ones are able to schedule one 30-minute session every two weeks to allow everyone a chance to visit with loved ones. The nursing home says they will be used for about 45 visits per week.

In the pictures below, Columbia resident Doris Smith visits with her husband and daughter. Doris and her husband, Don, have been married since 1954 and have found the separation during this unprecedented time to be extremely difficult and lonely. Doris’s daughter says her parents “were always cuddlers and always holding hands.”

Nursing home staff said it was rewarding to see how happy Doris and Don were to see each other after such a long time apart.

“Family is the best medicine. It was glorious for Doris, but it was just as glorious for the staff because we see a lot of sadness every day. Seeing her so happy and loving that moment was so rewarding,” said Janelle Zacho, Columbia Health Care Center’s Director of Nursing.

Ms. Zacho is Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard’s nursing home expert and has worked at Columbia Health Care Center for 18 years. She was living at the center from March 18- May 22 amid the pandemic and says staying at the nursing home 24/7 was the only way she could still work at Columbia and ensure she didn’t bring the virus into the building.

For more information, please contact Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard’s Director of Public Relations, Marcie Mangan, at (312) 372-1227 or, or contact Janelle Zacho at 608-429-1006 or
