
Car Accident Injuries and Medical Treatment

One of the most important things you can do after a car collision is to seek medical attention right away. Seeking medical attention immediately after an automobile accident helps ensure any injuries are promptly diagnosed and you get the medical treatment you need. Car accident injuries can be as minor…

Steps to take after a car accident in Chicago.

Steps to Take After a Car Accident

Cook County recorded 156,289 motor vehicle accidents in a recent year, according to Illinois Department of Transportation data. These collisions injured nearly 30,000 people and killed over 400, making Cook County and greater Chicago the most dangerous place to drive in Illinois by a substantial margin. Given the high number…

Understanding Car Insurance Claims in Illinois

Dealing with insurance companies is a frustrating experience, especially after a collision caused by the other driver’s negligence. The process of filing a claim and getting it approved should be simple, but it rarely is , even when dealing with your own insurance company. Insurers are for-profit businesses that protect…

Accidents Involving Uninsured/Underinsured Motorists

Uninsured drivers lack auto liability insurance for bodily injury or property damage. In Illinois, an alarming number of drivers take to the road without adequate insurance. Current statistics show that approximately 12 percent of Illinois motorists are uninsured, according to the Insurance Information Institute. While driving without coverage is illegal…

Accidents Involving Elderly Drivers in Chicago

Accidents involving elderly drivers occur more frequently than many people realize, both in Chicago and throughout Illinois. Although many older motorists are careful and conscientious drivers, not all have the physical and cognitive abilities to be safe on the road. If you were hurt or lost a loved one in…

Rideshare Accident Uber & Lyft Lawyers in Chicago

Today, many people in Chicago and throughout Illinois prefer using Uber, Lyft, and other ridesharing services instead of taxis, trains, or buses. Many people find that these services are easier to use and cheaper than other forms of transportation. However, the benefits come with risks. Uber and Lyft drivers get…

Winter Driving Accidents in Chicago

Were you injured in a car accident during the winter in Chicago? Unfortunately, car crashes involving inclement weather are all too common in Illinois. According to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), over 2,000 people are killed and nearly 200,000 are injured each year nationwide in winter weather-related car accidents. Chicago…

Rain-Related Car Accidents in Chicago

Motorists who fail to adjust their driving habits to account for rain cause many motor vehicle collisions each year. According to the Federal Highway Administration, 75 percent of weather-related vehicle accidents occur on wet pavement, with 47 percent occurring during active rainfall. Car accidents in the rain kill more than…

Car Accidents Involving Pedestrians or Bicyclists

Chicago is a great city to explore on foot or bike – until a careless or aggressive driver gets in the way. Motor vehicle drivers pose a threat to vulnerable road users. The Illinois Department of Transportation reported 11 bicyclist deaths and 993 bicyclist injuries in Chicago motor vehicle collisions…

Fog-Related Car Accidents in Chicago

Foggy weather brings a heightened crash risk, even during short drives on familiar roads. Drivers must use extra caution, but not all do. If you have sustained injuries in a fog-related car accident caused by someone else’s wrongdoing, it is crucial to understand your legal options. Our Chicago car accident…