
Hands correctly placed on the wheel to avoid a car accident

Chicago Car Accident Lawyer

Millions of Americans suffer injuries in car crashes every year and unfortunately, thousands die. Some collisions are unavoidable, but most car crashes could be prevented because they are caused by someone’s careless acts. Our experienced and recognized car accident lawyers can help with auto accidents that happen every day in Chicago…

Hands correctly placed on the wheel to avoid a car accident

Accidentes de Auto

Especialistas en accidentes automovilísticos en Illinois Los abogados de lesiones personales de Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C., han ayudado a víctimas de accidentes de automóviles en Illinois a recibir la compensación justa que merecían. Entendemos que si usted o un ser querido han sufrido un accidente automovilístico, debe sentirse agobiado…

Practice Areas

Our practice areas have been developed through decades of experience and a track record of success. We have successfully recovered results in each practice area below and have a vast knowledge of what is necessary to help our clients obtain justice in each.  We also can assist you with lawyer…

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Over the past decade, our firm has been routinely listed as one of the top law firms in the state with the highest reported settlement totals in the Jury Verdict Reporter / Chicago Daily Law Bulletin’s Settlement Survey. No matter whether a case is large or small, it is important…

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