
Truck in Chicago

Truck Accident

Because of their size and weight, trucks cause serious damage when they are involved in accidents. In fact, recent Illinois Department of Transportation data shows that semi-truck accidents account for nearly a tenth of all fatal traffic accidents within the state. If your passenger car collides with a massive, 80,000-pound tractor-trailer,…

man holding a motorcycle helmet

Wear Your Motorcycle Helmet in Chicago and Illinois!

Forty-seven states have laws that require at least some motorcycle riders to wear helmets when they are riding. Illinois is not one of those states. This means that many riders may choose to go without helmets. This is a dangerous choice. If you or a loved one is involved in…

motorcycle accident

Motorcycle Accident Dos and Don’ts

A motorcycle accident can be an extremely frightening experience. Many people are not certain what to do when they’ve been involved in such a crash. However, it is very important that you act quickly and do certain things immediately after your accident in order to protect your legal rights and to ensure…

motorcycle accident scene

Motorcycle Accident Facts & Figures

Motorcycle Accident Crash Statistics in Illinois The experienced motorcycle accident lawyers from Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C. have prepared this list of Illinois motorcycle crash and safety statistics. We are committed to helping motorcyclists stay safe and aware of dangers on Illinois roadways. If you are ever harmed in a…

Motorcycle Accidents

The motorcycle accident attorneys of Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C. have extensive experience with helping riders and their families with legal claims in Chicago and across Illinois. We want you to contact us if you have been injured in a motorcycle accident because of another driver’s careless or reckless driving….

uninsured accident attorney

Uninsured / Underinsured Drivers

After a car accident, most drivers exchange insurance information. But if one person doesn’t have enough insurance to cover the damages or drives without any coverage at all, there can be devastating consequences. In this situation, you could be the one who suffers the most. Thankfully, you’re not alone. The…

teen on the phone while driving

Teen Driving Accidents

It’s a fact: Teens often cause traffic collisions in Chicago and across Illinois. As the lawyers of Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C. have observed, the cause in many crashes is the teen’s careless or reckless behavior. Anyone injured in the crash may have a claim for damages, including other motorists, pedestrians,…

whiplash injury in chicago


People tend to think of whiplash as a minor neck injury. In truth, severe whiplash can lead to nerve damage, chronic pain, and other health complications. If you’re fighting for compensation after a car accident in Illinois, you need a skilled lawyer who can demonstrate the severity of your whiplash…

injured man in a wheelchair after an accident

Car Passenger Injury

Nearly 24,000 passengers suffered injuries in car accidents in Illinois in 2010, Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) statistics show. They accounted for 26.8 percent of all car crash injuries during the year. Nearly 180 car passengers were killed in motor vehicle wrecks in Illinois in 2010, or 22.7 percent of the…

Car accident in Waukegan

Car Accident Facts & Figures

Each year, the Illinois Department of Transportation compiles statistics on car accident fatalities and other information pertaining to motor vehicle accidents in the state. According to data for the most recent year reported: Cook County had over 159,000 motor vehicle crashes. It also had the highest number of deaths by…