
Injured person in a wheelchair

Chicago Personal Injury Lawyers

Our experienced personal injury attorneys fight for maximum compensation on behalf of our deserving clients. We are tireless in our pursuit of justice. What Is A Personal Injury Claim? A personal injury arises when you or a loved one is harmed due to the intentional, reckless or negligent wrongdoing of…

Injured person in a wheelchair

Lesiones Personales

Nuestros experimentados abogados litigantes luchan por obtener una compensación máxima para nuestros dignos clientes. Somos incansables en nuestra búsqueda de justicia. Qué es un reclamo por lesiones personales? Una lesión personal surge cuando usted o un ser querido resulta perjudicado debido a la conducta intencional, negligente o temeraria de otra…

woman waiting to ride a public transportation

Public Transportation Accidents

Millions of Illinois residents use public transportation daily. In the Chicago metro area, Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) buses, L trains, and the suburban Pace bus and van systems are integral to life. The South Shore Line is also frequently used by commuting workers and tourists in Indiana and Illinois. Across…

Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrians fill the streets and sidewalks of Chicago throughout the day and night. Unfortunately, too many drivers fail to pay attention to them in areas such as crosswalks, or they ignore or refuse to respect when pedestrians have the right of way. The results can be tragic. Illinois Department of…

Boating Accident

Countless numbers of boaters take advantage of Lake Michigan, Des Plaines River, Chicago River, Fox River, Illinois River, Chain O’Lakes, and the many small streams throughout the Chicago area. Unfortunately, boating accidents occur too often on these waterways. Sometimes, these accidents can’t be helped. Some occur because of adverse weather…

bus accident

Bus Accidents

News of a tour bus crash that resulted in one fatality and several serious personal injuries in southern Illinois in August 2012 shocked many Illinois residents. The bus, which had left Chicago for St. Louis, was a privately operated inter-city tour bus. In another deadly incident in Chicago just days…

aviation accident

Aviation Accidents

No one really expects an accident when a family member is traveling in an airplane, but there are inherent risks involved, and aviation accidents do occur. When they do, victims and their families need the assistance of a qualified aviation attorney. Aviation accidents and disasters occur for many reasons, and…

distracted truck driver

Distracted Driving Truck Accident Lawyers

At Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C., we have experience investigating truck accidents in Chicago and across Illinois, including those involving tractor-trailers. As we have discovered, a common cause of vehicle accidents is driver distraction. When a driver talks on his cell phone, 37 percent less of his brain energy is…

fatigued truck driver

Fatigued Truck Driving Accident Lawyers

In 2011, there were 10,033 traffic accidents in Illinois involving tractor-trailers, the Illinois Department of Transportation reports. Driver fatigue served as one of the many different causes of these crashes. Federal safety regulations limit the number of hours truckers can drive. Still, accidents related to fatigued truck drivers occur too…

drunk truck driver

Alcohol, Drug Abuse & Trucking Accidents

Truck driver alcohol and drug abuse is a serious problem. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s most recent Large Truck and Bus Crash Facts, there were more than 510,000 police-reported crashes involving large trucks and buses in the most recent year for which data is available, resulting in…