
Brain Resource Center

Why Did We Write This Guide? We wanted to give you the most extensive and detailed guide of traumatic brain injury. This resource has the objective of helping you understand the causes, treatment options, frequently asked questions, how someone can live a normal life with TBI and  how a law…

Causes Of Brain Injury

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) may result from a bump, blow or jolt to the head or an object penetrating the skull. An estimated 30 percent of all injury deaths in the U.S. are attributed to TBI, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). A survivor of such…

Traumatic Brain Injury

Many people suffer some form of traumatic brain injury (TBI) when they are involved in falls, car crashes and other types of accidents. The injury can affect the way a person thinks, moves about and controls his or her emotions. Many people with TBI need extensive medical treatment. Often, they…

Soft Tissue Injury

Accidents cause all types of injuries. Even the most minor harm is a concern when it should not have happened. That’s why it is a mistake to overlook soft tissue injuries such as bruises, muscle strains and sprains that are caused by the negligence or recklessness of others. These types…

Spinal Cord Injury Attorneys

The personal injury lawyers of Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C. understand how a spine injury can forever change life for the victim and his or her family. We have obtained successful verdicts for clients who have suffered spinal cord injury like Tierney Darden who was paralyzed when a pedestrian shelter…

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

An estimated 7.7 million Americans ages 18 and older suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, according to the Institute for Mental Health. PTSD is a severe anxiety disorder commonly triggered by living through a terrifying, dangerous event or seeing another person killed or harmed in such an event. Anyone…

Lower limb amputation


An amputation is a catastrophic injury involving the loss of a limb, digit, or another body part. An amputation can occur due to a traumatic injury or may be carried out intentionally by surgically removing body parts to prevent infection, disease, or death. In many cases, amputation injuries are caused…

What Should I Expect If I File a Personal Injury Claim?

Did someone else’s negligent actions seriously injure you? If so, you should not be saddled with the medical bills or other out-of-pocket expenses that your injuries bring on. If your injuries cause you to miss work and lose income, you should not be left with those losses, either. You have…

Chicago lawyer helping a client

How Can a Lawyer Help Me If I Am a Personal Injury Victim?

A personal injury from an accident caused by someone else in Chicago can change your life in a second. Suddenly, you’re facing a whirlwind of medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. But you don’t have to handle this alone.  For over four decades, the dedicated Chicago personal injury attorneys at Salvi, Schostok…

Chicago Loss of Consortium Lawyers

Illinois law recognizes the toll that accidents can take on the loved ones of personal injury victims. That is why our state allows victims’ spouses to file claims against those who are responsible for their loved one’s injury. These are called loss of consortium damages. They are intended to compensate…