
Misdiagnosis of Cancer

A cancer diagnosis will touch nearly everyone in some shape or form within their lifetime. Whether it is you, a friend, or a family member who is affected, the diagnosis is never easy to receive. Unfortunately, cancer misdiagnoses are far too common.  If you or someone you love was misdiagnosed,…

Misdiagnosis and Pregnancy

During pregnancy, doctors have a duty of care to the mother and the developing child. A misdiagnosis of a medical condition before or after the birth of a child can harm both patients. In some cases, the result can be a permanent disability or death. Misdiagnosis during pregnancy is a…

can x ray results be wrong?

Misread X-Rays and Tests

When you have medical testing, you expect to receive a diagnosis of any health problems that you may have. The results of medical tests are intended to guide treatment decisions and to give you information about your health status so that you can receive care for any problems that may…

Medical Misdiagnosis

A study of clinical negligence claims in the U.S. over a 25-year period found misdiagnoses, or diagnostic errors, to be “the most common, most costly and most dangerous of medical mistakes.” The problem is that a missed or delayed diagnosis prevents a patient from getting medical treatment when it is…

Failure to Monitor

A common medical error occurs when a doctor or care provider has an obligation to monitor a patient but doesn’t do so. Keeping tabs on a patient’s condition, observing the patient for signs of trouble and responding in a timely manner to potential problems are all part of providing a…

baby sleeping

Wrongful Birth

Parents, particularly those who have concerns that they might have a child with a profound disability, often seek genetic counseling  before they conceive a child or in the very early stages of a pregnancy. The purpose of the genetic testing is to determine the likelihood that the baby will be…

doctors at the surgery room

Wrong-Site Surgery

When a doctor operates on the wrong body part, this mistake is referred to as a “wrong-site surgery.” It is a surgical error that should absolutely never ever be made. This is why it is considered by researchers and medical professionals to be a “never event.” While patients would like…

Surgical Errors

Many people require surgery to treat various medical conditions. However, surgeries can be difficult and dangerous. Complications may arise that threaten a patient’s health. Many patients trust their surgeon to provide appropriate care. After all, surgeons have received extensive education and experience in surgical matters before practicing on patients. Unfortunately,…

Medication Errors

Medication errors happen far too often. A study by the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health cited 7,000 deaths per year from medication errors in hospitals, while the Institute of Medicine estimates that, on average, there is at least one medication error per hospital patient per day. These…

Lack of Informed Consent

Decision-Making Process before Medical Procedures In Illinois and throughout the U.S., you have the right to decide what happens to your own body – even when matters of life or death are at stake. No doctor can perform a procedure on you without permission from you or someone authorized to…