Doctors Accused of Sexual Assault Continue to See Patients Due to Lack of Oversight


A recent detailed investigation by the Chicago Tribune shed light on systemic issues that allows abuse by doctors to occur, revealing a healthcare and regulatory framework riddled with gaps and inefficiencies. These shortcomings have reportedly allowed numerous abusive practitioners to evade scrutiny and continue their harmful practices unchecked. In some cases, healthcare providers accused of sexually abusing patients have been allowed to continue practicing medicine for years, according to the Chicago Tribune’s reporting.

Below, we review some of the systemic issues that contribute to sexual abuse among healthcare professionals here in Illinois:

Lack of Oversight

The state of Illinois struggles with a glaring oversight problem. Even when patients lodge complaints against healthcare providers, there is not a robust system to ensure these complaints trigger immediate and thorough investigations to protect patients.

State Law Not Applying to All Healthcare Workers

Illinois laws mandate hospitals to report abuse allegations to state health officials. However, this obligation doesn’t extend to healthcare workers in independent practices or non-hospital settings such as doctors’ offices, creating a dangerous loophole.

Dependence on Healthcare Providers Notifying Licensing Agencies

Illinois’s regulatory framework relies on healthcare providers to report themselves to the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) if they face charges related to misconduct. This systemic flaw became evident in the case of a healthcare provider who, despite facing serious accusations of sexual abuse, chose not to self-report the ongoing investigation against him. This allowed the provider to continue his practice without interruption.

Slow Institutional Response to Issues

The institutional response to allegations of misconduct is often painfully slow in Illinois, as evidenced by multiple cases in the Tribune’s investigation. In one notable example, a healthcare facility took more than two years to act against a provider’s license after learning about allegations of sexually inappropriate behavior. This delay in institutional response puts other patients at risk and undermines trust in the healthcare system’s ability to protect its most vulnerable patients.

Lack of Transparency

The state of the IDFPR’s website offers a disturbing example of the lack of transparency in patient sexual abuse reporting. The website lists disciplinary actions against healthcare providers, but it often uses vague language and fails to provide clear, detailed information about the nature of the misconduct or the disciplinary action taken.

If you or someone close to you experienced sexual abuse by a doctor, nurse, or other healthcare professional, Salvi Schostok & Pritchard P.C. can help you understand your legal options for holding the perpetrator accountable. We know how to approach these sensitive cases and work hard to hold dangerous doctors responsible for their unacceptable behavior. We will compassionately discuss your situation, help you understand your rights, and guide you through the process of seeking compensation and justice. Contact us today for a free, confidential consultation, and click here to learn more about this issue.