What Makes Someone a Credible Witness for a Car Accident Claim?

judge signing papers

Evidence is a crucial part of any Chicago car accident claim, but physical, material evidence is not always available after a crash. When the facts of a car accident are in dispute and evidence is scarce, the best way to determine what happened may be to interview a credible eyewitness.

The attorneys at Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard, P.C., can help protect your interests through every stage of your case. Our dedicated legal representation has resulted in more than $1.6 billion in compensation to our clients. We have the resources and skill to aggressively fight for our clients’ rights.

What Is a Credible Witness?

When someone is credible, it means they are reliable and worthy of belief. In a car accident claim, a credible witness is an eyewitness to the crash who appears to be a trustworthy and competent source of information. Insurance adjusters, judges, and jurors are more likely to accept testimony from witnesses who seem both credible and honest.

Credible witnesses also have no stake in the proceedings of a car accident claim. They have nothing to gain or lose from any particular outcome. When two or more drivers provide disputing versions of the same accident, testimony from an impartial and credible witness is often the best source of unbiased information.

Understanding the Credibility of a Witness

A witness’ credibility is the measure of their capacity to provide believable, useful information. As a car accident victim, you have a substantial stake in the outcome of any car accident claim you file. As a result, insurance adjusters and juries have reason to believe your statements may be biased or self-serving since the outcome of the claim directly affects you.

Credible witnesses are not influenced by the potential outcome of your claim. The role of a credible car accident witness is to provide essential information about the causes and effects of a car accident, free from prejudice or clouded judgment. If it’s not clear who was at fault for the car accident that caused your injuries, testimony from a credible witness may be the best way to demonstrate what truly happened.

Factors that Impact a Witness’ Credibility

If you plan to use eyewitness testimony to support your Chicago car accident litigation, be aware of the following factors that could impact the credibility of a witness:

  • A history of criminal activity or dishonest behavior
  • Cognitive difficulties, such as memory problems or the tendency to become confused easily
  • Any apparent interest or stake in the outcome of the accident claim
  • Any relationship between the witness and the drivers involved in the claim
  • Any vision problems or obstructions that could have limited the witness’ view of the accident
  • How close the witness was to the accident when it occurred and how much of the crash the witness personally observed
  • The consistency of the witness’ statements with known facts and previous statements made by the witness

How Our Chicago Car Accident Attorneys Can Help

If you were injured in a Chicago car crash, you need a reliable Chicago injury lawyer who can help establish a strong claim and identify credible witnesses to support your case. Contact Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C., today to speak with a knowledgeable car accident lawyer in Chicago in a free, confidential consultation.

Patrick A. Salvi concentrates his legal practice in cases concerning serious personal injury, medical malpractice, wrongful death, and mass torts. Mr. Salvi has achieved record-breaking jury verdicts and settlements on behalf of his clients throughout the state, including serving as lead counsel on a trial team that won an Illinois record-high $148 million jury verdict and a Lake County record $33 million jury verdict.