April Is Distracted Driving Awareness Month

Chicago Distracted Driving Accident Attorney

April is distracted driving awareness month (DDAM), and our team is participating by sharing information with our clients about this dangerous driving activity and how to avoid it. Read on for more details about the month ahead and for valuable safe driving tips that could save you or a loved one’s life. 

What Is Distracted Driving Awareness Month?

Distracted driving awareness month is an event observed by the National Safety Council (NSC) and other safety advocates to provide education and awareness about the dangers of distracted driving.

The distracted driving definition used by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is driving while doing any other activity that takes your attention away from driving. While texting and driving is the most infamous type of distracted driving activity, the NSC points out that various other activities can also cause distractions, including:

  • Talking on a phone or to passengers
  • Programming a GPS
  • Eating or drinking
  • Grooming or applying makeup
  • Reading a map, book, or message
  • Watching a video

According to the NSC, distracted driving results in:

  • More than 700 injury-causing crashes every day
  • “Inattention blindness” of up to half of what is in a person’s driving environment
  • The loss of one-third of a person’s brain activity

During Distracted Driving Awareness Month, the NSC is providing free educational materials and encouraging safety organizations, employers, and other community members to share them. Materials include posters, infographics, videos, and reports. 

How to Avoid Distracted Driving

Like most other states, Illinois has a distracted driving law that prohibits using a hand-held electronic device or texting while operating a motor vehicle. Violating this law can result in a fine. Harsher penalties can be imposed if distractions cause a collision. The best way to avoid distracted driving is simply to follow the law.

Some other ways to decrease distracted driving include:

  • Prepare for your trip before leaving your parking space
  • Set your phone to “do not disturb” while your vehicle is in motion
  • Don’t try to multitask while driving
  • Give yourself extra time to get to your destination
  • Teach your kids not to text and drive
  • Keep your eyes on the road
  • Give distracted drivers extra space 

What Can You Do If You Were Injured by a Distracted Driver?

If you were injured by a distracted driver, it is important that you seek medical attention and follow your doctor’s orders. Then, reach out to the Chicago distracted driving accident lawyers at Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C. for additional assistance. We can quickly get to work on your case and try to preserve evidence of distractions to help support your claim.

We have recovered over $2 billion for our deserving clients, which includes more than 330 verdicts and settlements of $1 million or more and the largest compensatory verdict award for an individual plaintiff in Illinois state history. We will fight to help you get the compensation you deserve, too.

Contact us today for a free consultation with one of our experienced Chicago distracted driving accident attorneys.

Jennifer L. Ashley joined Salvi, Schostok & Prichard P.C., in 2012 and was named partner in 2014. She focuses her practice on the areas of personal injury and wrongful death law including cases that involve car accidents, premises liability and products liability.