The Risks of Bringing Your Dog or Other Pet to Work

Dog preparing to bite

For many, the thought of bringing a pet to work is appealing. A beloved pet can help improve your mood and the office’s general morale.

But bringing a dog or other pet to work also carries certain risks. It is important to be aware of these risks when asking yourself, “Is bringing my dog to the office a good idea?” Keep reading to learn more about pet-friendly offices in Illinois and the potential dangers of bringing a pet to work.

Why Dog-Friendly Offices Are on the Rise

There are definite upsides to bringing pets to work, particularly when it comes to dogs. According to the American Kennel Club, these benefits include:

  • Reduced stress – One study found that people who brought their dogs to work had lower stress levels than their peers.
  • Greater office cohesion – Having a dog at work gives everyone in the workplace something to talk about and bond over, which can help them work together more effectively.
  • Less employee turnover – Because of how attached people are to their dogs and other pets, an employee who is allowed to bring their pet to the office is more likely to enjoy their work and less likely to leave the company.
  • Attracting new employees – Giving new recruits the chance to bring a pet to work can be a powerful selling point, particularly for smaller companies with fewer resources.
  • Increased employee productivity – From a practical standpoint, an employee who has a pet at work will not have to run home to take care of it during the workday, leaving them more time to focus on their work-related tasks.
  • Workers save money – An employee who is allowed to bring their pet to work does not have to pay for someone else to watch their pet, either at home or a pet daycare facility.
  • Better morale – Having a pet around can help promote a more positive mindset among employees.

Risks of Pet-Friendly Offices

While there can be a lot of benefits from allowing pets in the workplace, there are also risks involved. Here are a few answers to the question, “Why shouldn’t I bring my dog to work?”:

  • There is a greater chance of dog bites in the office and other injuries, such as slip-and-fall accidents from people accidentally tripping over a pet.
  • There may be more distractions or disruptions at work.
  • Employees may end up spending time caring for pets instead of working.
  • Insurance and other legal issues may prohibit pet-friendly offices.
  • Sanitation problems and pet waste could create a negative image of the office.
  • Employees could suffer allergic reactions.
  • Pets may cause property damage.
  • Employees who are afraid of dogs or other animals may experience more stress.

What to Do if You Have Been Injured by a Dog Bite in Your Workplace

If a dog has injured you at work, you should seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Report the incident to management. Take pictures of your injuries.

Once you have started medical treatment, save all your medical records and receipts. Do not give any statements to your employer or an insurance company. Talk to an Illinois dog bite injury attorney right away.

Contact Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard Now

Dog bites can cause severe injuries and deep emotional distress, and you have the right to seek compensation for the harm you’ve suffered. If you have been injured due to a dog bite in the office, contact Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C., right away for a free consultation with an Illinois personal injury lawyer.

Patrick A. Salvi concentrates his legal practice in cases concerning serious personal injury, medical malpractice, wrongful death, and mass torts. Mr. Salvi has achieved record-breaking jury verdicts and settlements on behalf of his clients throughout the state, including serving as lead counsel on a trial team that won an Illinois record-high $148 million jury verdict and a Lake County record $33 million jury verdict.