$6 Million Birth Injury Settlement

David Pritchard and Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C., obtained a $6 million settlement on behalf of a child permanently injured at birth. The settlement was approved by Judge Locallo in Cook County, Illinois.

In March of 2000, the child’s mother was admitted to the hospital for induction of labor. Despite the use of multiple induction techniques, the mother was unable to deliver the baby over the next four days. During these four days the mother was seen by a number of different residents, none of which diagnosed an arrest of labor. Late on the fourth day, an attending obstetrician finally examined the mother, immediately diagnosed an arrest of labor due to brow presentation, and called for an immediate c-section. Unfortunately, it was too late for the baby who had already suffered brain compression and hemorrhage eventually resulting in cerebral palsy.

“While it is true that residents are doctors, they are still doctors in training,” said David Pritchard. “Had an attending obstetrician been directly involved earlier in this labor, this tragic result would have never occurred. At least these funds will allow the parents to provide for their child as best as possible under the circumstances.”