car collision in private property

Private Property Crash in Illinois

Most car crashes in Illinois happen on public roadways. However, when a car crash occurs on private property, the process of claiming compensation for your injuries can become more complex. For example, there might be multiple liable parties, especially if the collision occurred due to a dangerous condition on the property.

If you have suffered injuries in a private property crash in Illinois, you need a skilled attorney to help you recover the compensation you deserve. The  legal team at Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C. has the experience and resources to fight for maximum compensation in private property collisions. Call us today or contact us online for a free consultation with a knowledgeable Chicago car accident lawyer.

Why It’s Crucial to Work with an Experienced Chicago Car Accident Crash Lawyer

Most car wreck claims are challenging to navigate without legal knowledge and experience, especially when the crash happened on a private road.

The lawyers at Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C. have fought for the rights of car crash injury victims in Illinois for more than 40 years. In that time, we have recovered more than $2.5 billion on behalf of our clients.

Recent case results include motor vehicle accident settlements worth $32 million, $20 million, and $16 million. These results demonstrate our commitment to fighting for the maximum compensation available in every case we take on.

Places Where Private Property Car Collisions Might Occur

Private property car collisions can happen in many locations, including:

  • Parking Lots and Parking Garages – Department stores, malls, apartment buildings, offices, and other facilities often have parking areas that are privately owned. A crash may occur in a parking lot or parking garage due to factors like poor visibility, distracted drivers, and vehicles backing up.
  • Driveways and Private Roads – Many businesses, apartment complexes, and residential communities maintain their own private driveways and roads. Collisions can occur on these private thoroughfares just as they would on public streets.
  • Gas Stations and Auto Repair Shops – Gas stations and auto repair facilities often have areas where customers park and move their vehicles around. Multiple drivers, parked cars, and moving vehicles can lead to collisions.
  • Hotel and Resort Properties – Hotels, resorts, and other hospitality properties typically have large parking facilities and private roadways where accidents may take place. Guests who are unfamiliar with the area can make driving errors that result in collisions.
  • Private Airports – Many small airports are privately owned. Collisions can happen in hangars, runways, and other airport facilities.
  • Home Driveways – Backing crashes and other collisions occur regularly on residential driveways on private property.

Legal Complications Involved in a Private Property Collision

Several legal issues can complicate claims following car crashes on private property:

  • Police May Not Respond or Investigate – Police generally have limited authority on private property and may decline to respond or investigate unless there are serious injuries or a crime involved. This can make it harder to determine fault and link the collision with resulting injuries.
  • Multiple Potentially Liable Parties – Besides the at-fault driver, the property owner, management companies, security companies, or other entities could share liability for unsafe conditions that contributed to the crash. Determining liability for all potentially responsible parties can be challenging.
  • Disputes Over Fault and Liability – With fewer objective witnesses or police reports, disputes over which driver was at fault and the extent to which other parties may bear responsibility are common.
  • Less Documentation and Evidence – A private property owner is not obligated to share security footage or other investigative material from a crash scene. This can make evidence collection challenging.
  • Complex Insurance Claims – Layered insurance coverage among drivers, property owners, and other entities can complicate the claims process and delay settlements.

These highlight why it is essential to have an experienced attorney on your side. They can help address these issues by conducting a full investigation, identifying all liable parties, negotiating with insurers, and taking a case to trial when warranted. Their guidance can make a significant difference in your chances of obtaining fair compensation. Contact Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C. today for a free, no obligation case review.

Damages Recoverable in Private Property Accidents

If you suffer injuries in a private property collision in Illinois, you may be eligible to recover compensation for the following losses:

  • Medical expenses, including ambulance rides, doctor’s appointments, diagnostic scans, surgical procedures, medications, and assistive devices such as braces and crutches
  • Lost income due to missed time at work
  • Reduced earning capacity if your injuries force you to abandon your previous job and take a lower-paying one
  • Physical and psychological pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Property damage

What to Do After a Private Property Accident Collision

As with all car crashes, the steps you take in the days and weeks following the crash can make a significant difference in the outcome of your legal claim. Here is what you should do:

  • Retain all medical records, as they can demonstrate the nature of your injuries and the cost of your treatment.
  • Request a copy of the crash report that the responding police officers filed, as this will serve as a crucial piece of evidence in your claim.
  • Collect records that can demonstrate your lost income, such as tax documents, pay slips, and correspondence with your HR department.
  • Avoid making public statements about the crash, as the insurance company can use your words to undermine your claim.
  • Consult with a knowledgeable and experienced Illinois car crash attorney who can investigate the incident, calculate the full value of your losses, negotiate aggressively with the insurance company, and take the at-fault parties to court if necessary.

Contact an Experienced Lawyer for Help with Your Case

The attorneys at Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C. understand how challenging life can feel after suffering injuries in a private property crash. Our legal team is ready to fight for the compensation you deserve so that you can hold the at-fault parties accountable for their negligence.

Let us stand up for your rights. Contact us today for a free, no-obligation consultation to learn more about your legal options.