How Long Do You Have to Report a Car Accident In Illinois?

If you’ve been involved in a car accident in Illinois, it’s important to understand the rules around reporting the crash. That way, you can comply with state law and ensure you have all the necessary documentation for any future accident claims. A report could also serve as valuable evidence for an Illinois personal injury lawyer.

Should I File a Police Report for a Minor Car Accident in Illinois?

According to the Illinois State Police, drivers must report any accident resulting in death, injury, or property damage exceeding $1,500 (or $500 if a driver is uninsured). You can still file a report of an accident that does not meet these criteria.  

While minor fender benders might not always meet the legal reporting threshold, filing reports for minor incidents can generate useful records in case of future disputes or complications. A police report can document the details of the accident, establish the timeline, and note any potential contributing factors like weather or road conditions. Additionally, insurance companies often appreciate or even require the presence of an official report when processing claims. A Chicago car accident attorney can use this information to help you pursue compensation.

How Long Do You Have to Report a Car Accident in Illinois?

You must alert police immediately if you are involved in an accident resulting in death, injury, or $1,500 in property damage under Illinois law. While state law had previously required motorists to file a report with the Illinois Department of Transportation themselves within ten days of the accident, the state legislature removed this requirement as of August 2021. Still, a car accident lawyer might recommend that you alert the police of the incident to protect your rights to compensation if the other driver was to blame.

How to Report Car Accidents

If you are involved in a car accident that results in death, injury, or substantial property damage, you must stay at the scene and alert the police as soon as possible. Calling 911 is typically the best way to do so.

You can also report certain types of car accidents to the Illinois State Police (ISP) online. These include:

  • Single vehicle crashes
  • Crashes that result in property damage only, with no injuries
  • Accidents on interstate highways or Illinois State Roadways under ISP jurisdiction

Where to Obtain a Chicago Police Report

You can obtain a Chicago car accident police report online. For each report, you must pay a $6.00 fee, which includes a $5.00 service charge and a $1.00 convenience fee. If you prefer, you can also visit the Chicago Police Department Records Customer Service Section in person at 3510 South Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 60653.

What to Include in Your Police Report Request

If you have the report number for the crash report, this is the quickest way to locate the specific report. You can simply search for the report number along with the crash date. Otherwise, you’ll need to search by the crash date plus the first and last name of any person in the wreck.

Speak to an Attorney About Your Next Steps

Hurt in a crash in Illinois? Get in touch with Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard, P.C. Our Chicago personal injury lawyers have recovered more than $2 billion in fair compensation for deserving clients like you. Contact us today for your free case review with an experienced IL car accident lawyer.