Sharing the Road: A Guide for Chicago Drivers and Cyclists

Person riding a bicycle on a cycle path next to cars

With cars, bicycles, and pedestrians filling Chicago’s busy streets, reducing the number of traffic accidents and injuries depends on mutual respect and attention between drivers and cyclists. Here’s a guide to sharing the road in Chicago, with practical tips to ensure everyone gets home safely.

Safe Driving Tips

Drivers play a crucial role in ensuring the safety of cyclists and themselves. Chicago has specific traffic laws that apply to motorists, including:

  • Unless otherwise posted, the speed limit in the city of Chicago is 30 mph.
  • Turning vehicles must yield to pedestrians and bicyclists.
  • Motorists cannot drive, park, or stop in designated bike lanes.

Here are additional best practices when driving near cyclists in Chicago:

  • Stay Alert — Always check your mirrors and blind spots, especially when turning or changing lanes near cyclists. Riders may be harder to spot, particularly during rush hour or in low-light conditions.
  • Leave Room — When passing a cyclist, maintain at least three feet of clearance to avoid accidents. Crowding or passing too closely puts both of you at risk.
  • Be Cautious — Pay extra attention when driving near children on bikes. Younger riders may be less predictable or unsteady compared to adults.
  • Avoid Distractions — Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of accidents involving bicycles. Keep your focus and eyes on the road.
  • Respect Bike Lanes — Never block or drive in a bike lane, as doing so forces cyclists into traffic and increases the risk of collisions.

Safe Cycling Tips

While bike safety for drivers is important, cyclists must also do their part to safely share the road in Chicago. Cyclists must obey all rules of the roadway, including:

  • Stopping at stop signs
  • Following traffic signals
  • Yielding to pedestrians

There are other dos and don’ts for cyclists in Chicago, including the following:

  • Use Bike Lanes — When available, use designated bike lanes to stay safe and out of vehicle traffic. Cyclists may not ride on sidewalks in Chicago unless they are under the age of 12.
  • Signal for Safety — Use hand signals to communicate your intentions to drivers before turning or stopping. This simple act can significantly improve cyclist and driver safety.
  • Stay Visible — Wear bright or reflective clothing and equip your bike with front and rear lights.
  • Ride with Traffic — Always ride in the same direction as traffic. Riding against traffic increases the likelihood of accidents and makes it harder for drivers to see you.
  • Be Vigilant — Watch for hazards such as car doors opening, potholes, or debris in bike lanes. Staying aware can prevent avoidable accidents.

Contact Our Bike Accident Lawyers for a Free Case Review

If you or a loved one has injuries or losses from an incident involving a vehicle and a bike, our experienced bike accident lawyers can help. Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C. has recovered over $2.5 billion for injured clients, including the highest compensatory verdict award to an individual plaintiff in Illinois history. Our team of over 20 top litigators and 35 supporting staff has the resources and skill to fight for the compensation you deserve. You could recover money for medical expenses, lost pay, pain and suffering, and other accident-related losses. Contact Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C. today for your free consultation.

Patrick A. Salvi II joined Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C. in 2007 and was named Managing Partner of the Chicago office in 2017. He concentrates his legal practice on cases concerning personal injury, medical malpractice, mass torts, and product liability.