motorcycle accident scene

Motorcycle Accident Crash Statistics in Illinois

Motorcycle Accident Crash Statistics in Illinois

The experienced motorcycle accident lawyers from Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C. have prepared this list of Illinois motorcycle crash and safety statistics. We are committed to helping motorcyclists stay safe and aware of dangers on Illinois roadways. If you are ever harmed in a motorcycle accident caused by another driver’s negligence, do not hesitate to contact us to learn about your rights.

Statistics on Motorcycle Accidents and Deaths

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), motorcyclists account for approximately 14 percent of all traffic-related deaths, even though they make up only 3 percent of all registered vehicles in the U.S.

The NHTSA notes that, year after year, “motorcyclists continue to be overrepresented in traffic-related fatalities.” The NHTSA estimate that motorcyclists are roughly 28 times more likely to be killed in a traffic accident than people in passenger vehicles, based on the number of miles traveled.

According to the NHTSA’s most recent Motorcycle Traffic Safety Facts report, more than 5,000 motorcyclists across the nation were killed in accidents in the most recent year for which data is available. The NHTSA also notes that more than 4,500 motorcyclists have been killed and tens of thousands more have been injured in U.S. accidents every year since 2010. The report details a number of other alarming statistics and findings for the most recent year for which data was collected, including:

  • 5,172 motorcyclists were killed, which equates to 59.34 fatalities per 100,000 registered motorcycles in the U.S.
  • 89,000 motorcyclists were injured, equating to 1,018 injuries per every 100,000 registered motorcycles in the U.S.
  • The fatality rate for motorcyclists was 6 times higher than that for passenger car occupants.
  • 58 percent of motorcyclist fatalities were a result of crashes that occurred during daylight hours.
  • Only 3 percent of motorcycle fatalities occurred in rainy or foggy conditions, while the other 97 percent happened in cloudy or clear conditions.
  • 91 percent of motorcycle fatalities happened on non-interstate roads.
  • 60 percent of motorcycle fatalities occurred in urban areas.

How Often Are There Motorcycle Accidents in Illinois?

The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) publishes motorcycle statistics in Illinois on a yearly basis to inform the public and enhance the state’s ability to respond to safety concerns. In its most recent report, IDOT released a number of concerning Illinois motorcycle statistics that specifically address the prevalence of these collisions in the state, including:

  • There were 2,973 motorcycle accidents throughout Illinois for the most recent year for which data was available.
  • Of these, 2,266 motorcyclists were injured and 119 were killed.
  • Motorcyclist fatalities accounted for 11.5 percent of all Illinois traffic-related fatalities for the year.
  • While motorcycles accounted for less than 1 percent of total statewide crashes for the year, they were involved in 3.1 percent of all Illinois motor vehicle injury crashes and 12.1 percent of all fatal crashes.
  • In fatal Illinois motor vehicle crashes involving alcohol, motorcyclists accounted for 10.2 percent of all fatalities.
  • 4 percent of all motorcyclist injury crashes and 47.9 percent of all fatal motorcyclist crashes in Illinois occurred in rural areas such as state routes, county roads, and local streets.

Who Gets Injured the Most? 

The NHTSA’s Traffic Safety report and data from the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) also reveal several insights regarding who tends to get injured the most in U.S. motorcycle accidents, including:

  • Throughout the United States, male motorcycle riders are consistently involved in far more fatal motorcycle accidents than female riders. Only 14 percent of all registered motorcycle owners are women.
  • Motorcyclists over the age of 40 represented the majority of U.S.-wide motorcycle accident fatalities. They mace up more than 54 percent of all riders killed in a recent three-year span.
  • The average age of all U.S. motorcyclists killed was 43 in a recent year.
  • The next-most prevalent age group represented in American motorcycle fatalities was the 18-29 age group.
  • Motorcycle riders are more likely to be involved in accidents on a weekday. However, they are more likely to sustain fatal injuries on weekends.
  • Motorcyclists with larger engine sizes are more likely to be involved in fatal accidents.

Motorcycle Safety Gear Statistics

Motorcyclists do not have the same protections as occupants of passenger cars and trucks, which is why they are significantly more likely to suffer an injury or a fatality in an accident.

Along with Iowa and New Hampshire, Illinois is one of just three states in the U.S. with no universal helmet law. According to the NHTSA, helmets are one of the most important and effective pieces of safety equipment a motorcyclist can use. This fact is clearly illustrated by several startling statistics:

  • Helmets saved the lives of an estimated 1,872 motorcyclists in a recent year.
  • If all motorcyclists had worn helmets in the same year, an estimated 749 additional motorcyclists could have been saved from crash fatalities.
  • The NHTSA estimates that helmets are approximately 37 percent effective in protecting motorcycle riders from fatal injuries. It estimates that they are approximately 41 percent effective in preventing fatalities among motorcycle passengers.
  • In states like Illinois with no universal helmet law, 57 percent of motorcyclists killed in traffic collisions in a recent year were not wearing a helmet, as compared to just 8 percent in states that have enacted universal helmet laws.
  • In Illinois alone, 69 percent of all fatal motorcycle accidents in a recent year involved motorcycle riders who were not wearing a helmet.

Contact a Chicago Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Today

These motorcycle crash statistics in Illinois are not meant to alarm you. Instead, they highlight the prevalence of motorcycles in our state. If you or your loved one has suffered a motorcycle accident injury in Chicago or elsewhere in Illinois, do not hesitate to reach out to us for help. The experienced personal injury attorneys at Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C. will work to protect your rights and fight for the full compensation you deserve.

We represent accident victims throughout Illinois, including residents of Cook and Lake Counties. Call us or use our online contact form to schedule your free, confidential case review today.