Vehicle Repair and Damage Assessment

After your car sustains damage in a crash, you may have the option to obtain compensation for repair or replacement costs from the insurance company. The claims process for car repairs begins with a vehicle damage assessment to determine the cost of fixing it. In some cases, the vehicle may be beyond repair.

If you have questions about the damage assessment process after a car crash in Chicago, contact the personal injury attorneys at Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C. to discuss your legal options.

Why Does My Vehicle Need to Be Assessed After a Car Crash?

If your motor vehicle is damaged after a crash, it may be unsafe or impossible to continue driving. Even if the vehicle damage does not disable the car, it can put you and your passengers at risk of severe injuries if another crash occurs. Getting your car fixed will reduce the likelihood of mechanical failures that could result in catastrophic injuries from a later collision.

If you have insurance coverage to pay for car repair expenses, the insurance company will want to conduct a vehicle inspection to identify the damage to your car. This examination will show them what parts and labor the vehicle will need and how much compensation they should pay.

The insurer may have your car taken to a repair shop or send an appraiser to your car’s location to examine it, determine the scope of the work needed to fix the damaged vehicle, and provide an estimate of repair costs.

However, you do not have to accept the insurance company’s assessment without question. Instead, you can present evidence to counter their settlement offer and obtain full compensation for your repair expenses, such as:

  • Photos of your car’s damage
  • Prior repair and maintenance records
  • Repair estimates you obtained from other auto repair shops

What is a Damage Assessment?

In a damage assessment, a collision repair technician — also called a collision estimator or damage appraiser — examines the car to identify necessary repairs. The evaluation may involve visually inspecting the damaged vehicle to locate dents, scratches, and broken or missing parts. It will also include connecting to the car’s computer and testing its systems to identify internal damage and malfunctions.

The damage appraiser will draft an independent report explaining their findings and listing all parts and systems that require repairs. The assessment may also include a damage cost report estimating the cost of fixing the car. A vehicle damage assessment allows the insurance company to determine whether to pay for repairs or declare the vehicle a total loss and calculate how much to pay the car owner.

Do I Have to Take My Vehicle to a Shop the Insurance Company Recommends?

When you agree to reimbursement for vehicle repair costs, the insurance company may recommend a specific shop to complete the repairs. Insurers may have preferred mechanics who perform work at lower costs, which benefits the insurance company’s bottom line. However, these shops may perform repairs at cheaper prices by using less experienced technicians, inferior materials, and cheaper aftermarket parts.

You do not have to take your car to the repair shop the insurer recommends. You have the right to choose the shop to fix your car. You should use a shop certified by your car’s manufacturer as meeting or exceeding quality standards, that uses original equipment manufacturer (OEM) parts, and that offers warranties on their work.

What Types of Property Damage Can I Receive Compensation for After a Car Crash?

Depending on the scope of coverage available under the applicable insurance policy, a driver and their passengers may have the right to recover compensation for various types of property damage sustained in a collision, such as:

  • Car repair expenses or reimbursement for its value if the insurance company declares it a total loss
  • Towing expenses to transport your car away from the crash scene
  • Rental car fees incurred while waiting on car repairs or replacement
  • Reimbursement for personal property in your car damaged by the crash, such as computers, cell phones, car seats, jewelry, bags or luggage, tools, eyeglasses, or groceries
  • Repair or replacement of aftermarket customizations installed on the vehicle

What is a Total Loss Assessment?

When the cost of repairing a car damaged in a collision reaches a certain percentage of or exceeds the car’s fair market value, the insurance company may deem the vehicle a total loss.

An insurer will total the car after performing a total loss assessment. This assessment requires the insurance company to determine the cost of repairing the vehicle, its actual cash value, and its salvage value (what a junkyard or repair shop would pay for the automobile in its damaged condition).

Insurers choose between two methods for declaring a vehicle a total loss:

  • Total loss threshold – A car becomes a total loss when its total loss value reaches a percentage of its fair market value.
  • Total loss formula—The total loss formula (TLF) involves subtracting the vehicle’s salvage value from its fair market value. A car becomes a total loss when the estimated repair costs equal or exceed the TLF figure.

How Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard, P.C. Can Help with Your Damage Assessment

A car crash attorney can help you obtain a vehicle damage assessment and maximize your financial recovery from your insurance claim. They will gather evidence to support a higher figure for repair costs or fair market value for your car in a total loss assessment. Your lawyer can obtain independent evaluations of repair expenses, photographs of damage to your car, and appraisals of vehicle value.

At Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C., our legal team has extensive experience advocating for clients who have suffered vehicle damage in car collisions. We have a proven track record of recovering over $2.5 billion in compensation in more than four decades of representing crash victims. Our seasoned litigators have the skills and resources to fight for maximum financial recovery for our clients.

When your vehicle sustains damage in a collision caused by another driver’s negligence, you need experienced legal counsel to guide you through the insurance claims process and get the money you need to repair or replace your car. Contact Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C. today for a free initial consultation. We’ll help you deal with the insurance company to secure the financial relief you need and deserve.