new illinois laws

In-Depth Analysis of Local Traffic Laws

If you were recently involved in a car crash, a lawyer from Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C. can guide you through traffic regulations and how they impact your personal injury claim. We offer clear, knowledgeable direction that can significantly impact your car crash case. Contact us today for a free consultation to learn more about your legal rights and options.

How Local Traffic Laws Can Affect Your Accident Claim

Traffic laws and regulations are essential in maintaining road safety and order. In the United States, state and local governments, rather than the federal government, enact and administer these regulations. This means that the traffic regulations in Chicago fall under the Illinois Vehicle Code, which outlines the rules all local drivers must follow.

When someone drives in a way that violates the Illinois Vehicle Code and causes an accident, their breach of law can become the foundation of a personal injury claim. For an accident claim to be successful, you must demonstrate the traffic violation directly led to the accident. This link is critical because it establishes the other party’s fault by showing how their violation of a safety rule resulted in harm, a legal concept called negligence per se. Understanding how to make these connections and interpret the local traffic laws can significantly affect the outcome of your Chicago accident claim. An experienced attorney can assist in this process.

Important Chicago Traffic Laws to Know

Safely navigating the busy streets of Chicago requires a clear understanding of local traffic laws. Here’s an in-depth overview of the local traffic laws you need to know.

Speed Limits

Speeding is one of the most dangerous driving behaviors, as it can lead to crashes and severe injuries. Like many cities, Chicago’s government carefully sets speed limits to keep drivers, pedestrians, and other road users safe. Generally, the speed limits within the city are lower than those in less populated areas to account for the higher number of vehicles and pedestrians. For example, unless traffic signs specify otherwise, the maximum urban speed limit is 30 miles per hour (15 miles per hour in alleys).

Driving too fast for conditions can be unsafe, even if that speed is still below the posted speed limit. For instance, during heavy rain, snow, or traffic, drivers must adjust their speed to ensure safety. Ignoring these conditions and driving at high speeds can lead to preventable crashes.

Drunk Driving Law

Drunk driving is a severe offense in Illinois. The standard blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit for Illinois drivers is 0.08 percent. However, for commercial drivers, who operate larger vehicles and have greater responsibilities on the road, the BAC limit is set lower at 0.04 percent.

Driving with a BAC over these limits can lead to severe consequences. For example, if a driver causes a crash while under the influence, they can face criminal charges and civil liability for any injuries or property damage.

Distracted Driving Laws

Illinois takes distracted driving seriously, particularly the use of electronic communication devices while driving. Under Illinois law, driving while using an electronic communication device is a primary offense, meaning police officers can pull you over for using a device without needing any other reason. This differs from secondary offenses, for which law enforcement officials need an additional reason to make a traffic stop.

The penalties for distracted driving vary depending on the severity and frequency of the offense. For a first violation, the fine is $75. This increases to $100 for a second offense, $125 for a third offense, and $150 for subsequent offenses. However, if a driver using an electronic device causes a crash that results in serious injury or death, the consequences are much more severe than a traffic ticket. Such an offense can lead to a minimum fine of $1,000, a Class A misdemeanor charge, or even a Class 4 felony charge if the accident results in death.

Traffic Control Devices

In Chicago, drivers must obey all traffic control devices, including traffic lights and stop signs. Speed cameras can capture speeding drivers, resulting in traffic tickets. Traffic signals manage traffic flow, provide electronic access to traffic stopped at intersections, and reduce the risk of collisions.

One common point of confusion regarding traffic control devices is when drivers can turn right at a red light. Right turns on red are allowed in Chicago unless a sign specifically says otherwise. However, before you make a right turn on red, you must come to a complete stop and check for pedestrians and oncoming traffic. That way, you can ensure the way is clear and safe before turning.

Laws That Impact Other Road Users

Certain Illinois traffic laws that apply to drivers aim to protect other road users, such as pedestrians and cyclists. Drivers must always yield to pedestrians at crosswalks, whether the crosswalks are marked or unmarked. Drivers must stop and stay stopped for pedestrians in all crosswalks. Furthermore, drivers must avoid passing vehicles that are stopped at crosswalks, as they might be allowing pedestrians to cross.

Illinois traffic laws also protect cyclists and recognize their right to share the road. Drivers must maintain a safe distance when passing bicycles, leaving at least three feet of space between the car and the cyclist. Drivers must also avoid obstructing or using bike lanes for driving or parking, as these lanes are solely for cyclists. Additionally, when making turns, drivers must check for cyclists who might be crossing through an intersection or riding alongside them.

Accident Reporting Laws

In Illinois, each driver who is involved in a crash must file a crash report if the collision resulted in any of the following:

  • Bodily injury
  • Death
  • Property damage of $1,500 (or $500 if any driver does not have insurance)

If a police officer did not report to the scene, you must file the report within ten days.

Contact a Knowledgeable Chicago Car Accident Lawyer for Help After a Car Crash

Are you wondering how Chicago traffic laws could affect your ability to claim compensation for a recent accident? Contact Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C. today. Our team has recovered more than $2.5 billion for our clients, including the highest compensatory verdict award to an individual plaintiff in Illinois history. We’re ready to help you understand your rights and fight for the compensation you need. Call us now for a free initial consultation, and take the first step in demanding the recovery you deserve.